Both Guangzhou head office and New York office have design department. Designers have their fingers firmly on pulse of the latest trends and developments in industry. Other than on site designers, Tianhai also consults freelancers across the world, which broadens designs not only in number but also in style. Over 1000 new patterns are launched by Tianhai annually. To satisfy the global market, Tianhai has collection covering full range of patterns from classic style with modern influences, to the latest cutting edge trends and technologies.

Our designs
Since management team comes from a very technical background, with their proficient knowledge and passion for lace, Tianhai has always be at forefront of the latest technology and innovation, including terms of machine types, yarns and knitting techniques. Sourcing new technology around the world and bring them to market is the aim. Tianhai is not satisfied for owning original technology patents and unique machine features, but pursing new challenges. Expedite communication with clients is the main inspiration. We care about your demands.

Various technics

Working in partnership with Karl Mayer, Tianhai developed a new gold standard in warp knitted lace machines, nicknames “Teavers”. This machine was developed to emulate as close as possible the look of French Leavers lace. Teavers has the greatest patterning capability, allowing intricate designs with incredible depth. Teavers lace gives you a super light and delicate hand feel.

Originally designed as fabric machine, over the course of many years, engineers of Tianhai have pushed this machine in new and interesting ways, creating more and more impressive designs far beyond this machine’s original scope. Knitted as a flat fabric with the potential to incorporate large amounts of Lycra if needed, this is truly a general purpose machine. It can be used for anything from lightweight, delicate all overs, to thick, mouldable fabrics to firm control wear and anything in-between. Also, because it is a modern, fast machine, it offers cost-effective price alternative to tradition warp knitted lace technology.

The weft knitting machine produces fabrics which are almost transparent in their fineness; soft, delicate and beautiful to behold. It works brilliantly for knickers and pleated bras. Weft knit offers a light, delicate and soft alternative to other all overs.